How old is Android 17 in Dragon Ball? | Hangout Graphics
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How old is Android 17 in Dragon Ball?

How old is Android 17 in Dragon Ball?

How old is Android 17 in Dragon Ball?

Have you ever found yourself pondering the ages of your favorite Dragon Ball characters? If so, you’re not alone. The age of Android 17, a character known for his enigmatic nature and impressive strength, has been a subject of curiosity among fans. In this article, we’re going to dive into the intriguing world of Dragon Ball and explore the age of Android 17. This article is managed by

Unveiling the Mystery: Android 17’s Age

Android 17, originally a human named Lapis, underwent a transformation that turned him into a powerful android. But how old is he, exactly? To answer this question, we need to delve into the timeline of Dragon Ball. Discover the dragon ball games for android.

Human to Android Transformation

Human to Android Transformation

Android 17 was once a regular human living his life. His transformation into an android happened when he and his sister, Android 18, were abducted and modified by the villainous scientist Dr. Gero. This event marked a significant turning point in Android 17’s life, altering his destiny forever.

Age at Transformation

Android 17’s exact age at the time of his transformation isn’t explicitly stated in the Dragon Ball series. However, we can estimate it based on the information available. The transformation is said to have occurred around the time of the Android Saga, which takes place in Age 767 according to the Dragon Ball timeline. This would make Android 17 around 17 to 18 years old at the time of his transformation.

The Gap in Age

One of the most intriguing aspects is the passage of time between Android 17’s transformation and his reappearance in Dragon Ball Z. After the Cell Saga, Android 17 takes on a new role as a park ranger on a remote island. During this time, he ages naturally, which leads us to the next question.

Android 17’s Current Age

When Android 17 makes his return during the Tournament of Power in Dragon Ball Super, he appears older, more mature, and with a sense of responsibility. Given that several years have passed since the Cell Saga, Android 17’s current age can be estimated to be in his early to mid-thirties.

The Essence of Android 17’s Age

Android 17’s age serves as a reflection of his journey and experiences. From a carefree youth to a responsible guardian of nature, his age showcases the evolution of his character. It’s a testament to the complexity of Dragon Ball’s storytelling that even an android’s age can hold deeper meaning.


Q1: Is Android 17 immortal?

A1: While Android 17 doesn’t age like a regular human, he isn’t truly immortal. He can be injured and even killed under certain circumstances.

Q2: How strong is Android 17?

A2: Android 17 possesses incredible strength, thanks to his android enhancements. He’s proven to be a formidable fighter in various battles.

Q3: What is the significance of Android 17’s return in Dragon Ball Super?

A3: Android 17’s return highlights his growth and willingness to protect his loved ones and the Earth. It also adds depth to the Tournament of Power arc.

Q4: Does Android 17 retain any memories from his human life?

A4: Android 17’s memories of his human life are vague due to his transformation, but some glimpses might remain.

Q5: Are Android 17 and Android 18 aging at the same rate?

A5: Android 17 and Android 18 age, but their aging is slowed due to their android nature. They age at a much slower rate than regular humans.

In conclusion, Android 17’s age in the Dragon Ball series is a testament to the intricate storytelling and character development that fans have come to love. From his transformation into an android to his evolution into a protector of nature, his age holds deeper meaning within the context of the series. As Dragon Ball continues to captivate audiences, Android 17’s journey remains a compelling aspect of the franchise. His evolution, including how did Android 17 become Super 17, adds an intriguing dimension to the series.

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